Thursday 21 February 2013

Final DPS

This is my final double page spread.I got more feedback from the same people who gave feedback on my last DPS and this is what they had to say:

Female,18: I prefer this so much more than the last copy you showed me as I find that the layout is so much more interesting for me to look at and the background looks so much better without being too boring and plain white.

Male, 25: A huge improvement on the background and I personally love the quotes; these stand out more to me now due to the background change. The article is fantastic and would keep me very interested. The pink background colour doesn't put me off the article because I am a guy but you could maybe consider changing it to colour suitable to both genders.

I considered changing the background colour however I found that the Country genre was slightly more popular with the female gender and I didn't want to waste time constantly changing my mind. I felt like I should now 100% be focusing on my evaluation.

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