Thursday, 6 December 2012


What have I found out about my genre and artists from my genre?
I have found out that my genre's target audience is aimed at female and male ages 14 - 24. From researching Country magazines I have found out that light, natural pastel colours are mainly used for there colour swatches. The artists on the front cover usually have a direct look and are dressed in clothes associated with the country genre such as cowboys boots, ripped jeans, checkered shirt, and dress.

What have I found out about my audience's needs?
From my questionnaire results I found out that 44% of my audience were aged 21-26 with with a close 37% of them being 14-20. Also the most popular country band/artists were Carrie Underwood with 40% of the votes and Taylor Swift with 39% of the votes. Rascal Flatts and Jason Aldean were both also voted so I will include mentions of all of these artists in my magazine but will try to focus more on Carrie Underwood, Taylor Swift and my own artist(s).  The favourite country music magazine was Country Weekly so I will do some more research into what makes this magazine so popular by looking at the magazine itself and its media pack.Weekly was the most popular time frame for a magazine so this has helped me decide that my magazine will be published weekly also. The most popular price was £1+ I feel this was the most popular option because people want to get what they pay for so paying only 50p or so they don't expect very much from the magazine if they even buy it at all. By making my magazine more than £1 I feel that this will encourage people to buy and expect a good magazine which they will recieve. My colour swatch will be Pastel Blue, Pastel Yellow and Pastel Pink because this was the most popular option in both my questionarre and my poll. My double page spread will feature an artist interview and part of a photoshoot. This was most popular with the audience.

What I have found about existing music magazines for this genre/target audience:
  • This genre of music magazine is popular within it's genre but compared to magazines such as NME it is not as popular and known within every genre.
  • Ad's included in this magazine advertise things such as TeenHoot and Camplified.
  • Within the whole magazine there isn't any bright and bold colours as this tends not to fit in with the conventions of a country music magazine.
My artist and their images:
Clothes: Ripped Jeans, Country Boots, Checkered Shirt,

Hair: Down, Wavy/Curly, Lots of volume.

Make-Up: Natural Make-up >>>>>>>

Setting: Taken Outdoors, Middle of the day to get the lighting that I want.

Mise En Scene:
2 models for my 2 different artists to give the magazine some variation.
Location: Outdoors, Back Garden.
Props: Guitar
Facial Expressions:
Camera Shots/ Angles: Direct Shot, Natural Shot (not posed), Medium Shot, (high angle/eye level)

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