Thursday, 6 December 2012


These are the fonts I have considered for my magazine. I have changed my mind about my masthead font as I recently posted that I want my masthead font to be Modern and swirly but since looking more into my research I have decided to go for a more basic bold font such as >

Number 1 from the masthead fonts is named Blackoak Std - I like this font because it is very bold and simple making it easy for people to read and know what magazine it is. However this font is slightly boring and plain which is not the impression I want to give of my magazine, this is why I wont be choosing this font.
Number 2 from Masthead fonts is named Ravie.
-This is slightly more modern and fun which is why I like it but it doesnt really fit in with the typical masthead convention of a Country Music Magazine.
Number 3 from masthead fonts is named Bauhaus 93.
-I like this font because it is simple and easy to read with a slight twist at the end of each word. This font doesnt exactly fit in with the conventions of Country Music mastheads but I feel that it does enough to still be used. I like this font also because it gives my magazine a good impression - it shows the magazine fun and exciting as well as producing everything it should a proffesional way.
Number 4 from masthead fonts is named Bernard MT Condensed.
-I like this font because it fits in with the masthead convention of a Country Music Magazine. The font is very easy to read, bold and each letter stands by itself and is not joined up. This font is quite plain but I find that it looks much more interesting that Blackoak Std because it is less stretched and the serifs are made more interesting.
Number 5 from masthead fonts is named Broadway.
-I like this font because it is bold and interesting due to the lettering design however I do feel that this font is more suited to a pop magazine and doesn't really fit in with the Country genre.
Number 6 from masthead fonts is named Charlemagne Std.
-I like this font due to the boldness of each letter and the serifs but I find that the letters aren't bold enough to fit in with the Country Music Magazine masthead convention. I have tried to make it bolder but even on bold it was still to thin. This is why I wont be using this font.
Number 7 from masthead fonts is named Goudy Stout.
-I like this font because the serifs make the font interesting whilst the actual letters are still simple and bold however I now feel that this font would be better suited to maybe a rock magazine or alternative genre.
Number 8 from masthead fonts is named Hobo Std.
-I like this font because it is sans-serif font which fits in with the general conventions of a music magazine. The font is also fun and appealing which is the feel I want my magazine to have. This is a font that I will consider.

Number 1 from article fonts is named Cambria (Headings).
-This font is very plain and simple which is good for an article however I feel that it is too bold and too won't fit in well with the rest of my magazine.
Number 2 from article fonts is named Adobe Ming Std L.
-I like this font because the serif's on the T make it interesting as well as being plain and simple to read. It's not too bold or too swirly so it is perfect for an article font. This is a font that I will consider.
Number 3 from article fonts is named Bookman Old Style.
-This font is also plain and simple to read with nice serif's on the T to make it interesting. I like this font because it looks nice and will fit in with my magazine style.
Number 4 from article fonts is named Comic Sans MS.
-I like this font because it isn't too plain and boring. However I do find that the font is slightly childish and would be better included in a magazine aimed for younger years such as 6-10.
Number 5 from article fonts is named High Tower Text.
- I like this font because it is simple and plain. Although I do feel that this font is too proffesional and boring therefore it won't fit in very well with my whole magazine. I have decided not to choose this font.

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