I took my photo's today for my front cover, contents and double page spread. Im still waiting on them to upload and plan to take a few more so I have a wider range of outfits and models. I found taking the photo's a lot harder than I thought as although in my head I knew what sort of photo's I wanted and what poses I wanted but getting them to look perfect took a long time. My research helped me a lot with what clothes I styled my models in, their make up and hair. I also recorded video evidence of me taking the photo's and fixing hair, make up and props etc.
To take my photo's I used a FinePix S9500 and to video tape the photoshoot I used a Sanyo Xacti 10Mega Full HD camera. My location was a lightly coloured wall and carpet so that I can easily edit on photoshop. I have learnt how to use a professional camera and how important lighting, camera angles, location and props are in taking a single photo. I also used a Canon Speedlite external flash to get the perfect photo lighting where needed.
Sunday, 23 December 2012
Friday, 14 December 2012
Monday, 10 December 2012
Photoshoot Plan
I plan to take my photo's next week as this is the only time my models and I have found available and until then I will be finishing my flatplan and creating my mockup magazine. I have found trying to find a time to take my photo's a problem but hope to get them done as soon as I can.
I'm going to take my photo's against a light coloured wall so that I am easily able to photoshop my background colour onto it.
Facial Expressions: Happy, Smiling. To give the magazine a fun, enjoyable vibe.
Camera Shots/Angles: Direct Shot, Natural Shot (not posed), Medium Shot (high angle/eye level)
Props: Guitar
Hair: Down, Wavey/Curley
Make-Up: Natural
Clothes: Jeans, Checkered Shirt
I'm going to take my photo's against a light coloured wall so that I am easily able to photoshop my background colour onto it.
Facial Expressions: Happy, Smiling. To give the magazine a fun, enjoyable vibe.
Camera Shots/Angles: Direct Shot, Natural Shot (not posed), Medium Shot (high angle/eye level)
Props: Guitar
Hair: Down, Wavey/Curley
Make-Up: Natural
Clothes: Jeans, Checkered Shirt
Saturday, 8 December 2012
Possible Locations
My two options for locations are either Outdoors or on a Plain White background.
From my research I have learnt that the background image for a front cover is either outdoors in a typical country setting (grass, natural, stables,peaceful e.t.c) or a lightly coloured background.

From my research I have learnt that the background image for a front cover is either outdoors in a typical country setting (grass, natural, stables,peaceful e.t.c) or a lightly coloured background.
For example:
I think taking the photo's on a plain white backdrop and then photoshopping the colour will be the best option as time and the weather/daylight hours restrict me from getting the perfect outdoor setting that I want. I have decided to either go for a pastel green colour like the first picture of a pastel pink.

Thursday, 6 December 2012
What have I found out about my genre and artists from my genre?
I have found out that my genre's target audience is aimed at female and male ages 14 - 24. From researching Country magazines I have found out that light, natural pastel colours are mainly used for there colour swatches. The artists on the front cover usually have a direct look and are dressed in clothes associated with the country genre such as cowboys boots, ripped jeans, checkered shirt, and dress.
What have I found out about my audience's needs?
From my questionnaire results I found out that 44% of my audience were aged 21-26 with with a close 37% of them being 14-20. Also the most popular country band/artists were Carrie Underwood with 40% of the votes and Taylor Swift with 39% of the votes. Rascal Flatts and Jason Aldean were both also voted so I will include mentions of all of these artists in my magazine but will try to focus more on Carrie Underwood, Taylor Swift and my own artist(s). The favourite country music magazine was Country Weekly so I will do some more research into what makes this magazine so popular by looking at the magazine itself and its media pack.Weekly was the most popular time frame for a magazine so this has helped me decide that my magazine will be published weekly also. The most popular price was £1+ I feel this was the most popular option because people want to get what they pay for so paying only 50p or so they don't expect very much from the magazine if they even buy it at all. By making my magazine more than £1 I feel that this will encourage people to buy and expect a good magazine which they will recieve. My colour swatch will be Pastel Blue, Pastel Yellow and Pastel Pink because this was the most popular option in both my questionarre and my poll. My double page spread will feature an artist interview and part of a photoshoot. This was most popular with the audience.
What I have found about existing music magazines for this genre/target audience:
Clothes: Ripped Jeans, Country Boots, Checkered Shirt,
Hair: Down, Wavy/Curly, Lots of volume.
Make-Up: Natural Make-up >>>>>>>
Setting: Taken Outdoors, Middle of the day to get the lighting that I want.
Mise En Scene:
2 models for my 2 different artists to give the magazine some variation.
Location: Outdoors, Back Garden.
Props: Guitar
Facial Expressions:
Camera Shots/ Angles: Direct Shot, Natural Shot (not posed), Medium Shot, (high angle/eye level)
I have found out that my genre's target audience is aimed at female and male ages 14 - 24. From researching Country magazines I have found out that light, natural pastel colours are mainly used for there colour swatches. The artists on the front cover usually have a direct look and are dressed in clothes associated with the country genre such as cowboys boots, ripped jeans, checkered shirt, and dress.
What have I found out about my audience's needs?
From my questionnaire results I found out that 44% of my audience were aged 21-26 with with a close 37% of them being 14-20. Also the most popular country band/artists were Carrie Underwood with 40% of the votes and Taylor Swift with 39% of the votes. Rascal Flatts and Jason Aldean were both also voted so I will include mentions of all of these artists in my magazine but will try to focus more on Carrie Underwood, Taylor Swift and my own artist(s). The favourite country music magazine was Country Weekly so I will do some more research into what makes this magazine so popular by looking at the magazine itself and its media pack.Weekly was the most popular time frame for a magazine so this has helped me decide that my magazine will be published weekly also. The most popular price was £1+ I feel this was the most popular option because people want to get what they pay for so paying only 50p or so they don't expect very much from the magazine if they even buy it at all. By making my magazine more than £1 I feel that this will encourage people to buy and expect a good magazine which they will recieve. My colour swatch will be Pastel Blue, Pastel Yellow and Pastel Pink because this was the most popular option in both my questionarre and my poll. My double page spread will feature an artist interview and part of a photoshoot. This was most popular with the audience.
What I have found about existing music magazines for this genre/target audience:
- This genre of music magazine is popular within it's genre but compared to magazines such as NME it is not as popular and known within every genre.
- Ad's included in this magazine advertise things such as TeenHoot and Camplified.
- Within the whole magazine there isn't any bright and bold colours as this tends not to fit in with the conventions of a country music magazine.
Clothes: Ripped Jeans, Country Boots, Checkered Shirt,
Hair: Down, Wavy/Curly, Lots of volume.
Make-Up: Natural Make-up >>>>>>>
Setting: Taken Outdoors, Middle of the day to get the lighting that I want.
Mise En Scene:
2 models for my 2 different artists to give the magazine some variation.
Location: Outdoors, Back Garden.
Props: Guitar
Facial Expressions:
Camera Shots/ Angles: Direct Shot, Natural Shot (not posed), Medium Shot, (high angle/eye level)

Number 1 from the masthead fonts is named Blackoak Std - I like this font because it is very bold and simple making it easy for people to read and know what magazine it is. However this font is slightly boring and plain which is not the impression I want to give of my magazine, this is why I wont be choosing this font.
Number 2 from Masthead fonts is named Ravie.
-This is slightly more modern and fun which is why I like it but it doesnt really fit in with the typical masthead convention of a Country Music Magazine.
Number 3 from masthead fonts is named Bauhaus 93.
-I like this font because it is simple and easy to read with a slight twist at the end of each word. This font doesnt exactly fit in with the conventions of Country Music mastheads but I feel that it does enough to still be used. I like this font also because it gives my magazine a good impression - it shows the magazine fun and exciting as well as producing everything it should a proffesional way.
Number 4 from masthead fonts is named Bernard MT Condensed.
-I like this font because it fits in with the masthead convention of a Country Music Magazine. The font is very easy to read, bold and each letter stands by itself and is not joined up. This font is quite plain but I find that it looks much more interesting that Blackoak Std because it is less stretched and the serifs are made more interesting.
Number 5 from masthead fonts is named Broadway.
-I like this font because it is bold and interesting due to the lettering design however I do feel that this font is more suited to a pop magazine and doesn't really fit in with the Country genre.
Number 6 from masthead fonts is named Charlemagne Std.
-I like this font due to the boldness of each letter and the serifs but I find that the letters aren't bold enough to fit in with the Country Music Magazine masthead convention. I have tried to make it bolder but even on bold it was still to thin. This is why I wont be using this font.
Number 7 from masthead fonts is named Goudy Stout.
-I like this font because the serifs make the font interesting whilst the actual letters are still simple and bold however I now feel that this font would be better suited to maybe a rock magazine or alternative genre.
Number 8 from masthead fonts is named Hobo Std.
-I like this font because it is sans-serif font which fits in with the general conventions of a music magazine. The font is also fun and appealing which is the feel I want my magazine to have. This is a font that I will consider.
Number 1 from article fonts is named Cambria (Headings).
-This font is very plain and simple which is good for an article however I feel that it is too bold and too won't fit in well with the rest of my magazine.
Number 2 from article fonts is named Adobe Ming Std L.
-I like this font because the serif's on the T make it interesting as well as being plain and simple to read. It's not too bold or too swirly so it is perfect for an article font. This is a font that I will consider.
Number 3 from article fonts is named Bookman Old Style.
-This font is also plain and simple to read with nice serif's on the T to make it interesting. I like this font because it looks nice and will fit in with my magazine style.
Number 4 from article fonts is named Comic Sans MS.
-I like this font because it isn't too plain and boring. However I do find that the font is slightly childish and would be better included in a magazine aimed for younger years such as 6-10.
Number 5 from article fonts is named High Tower Text.
- I like this font because it is simple and plain. Although I do feel that this font is too proffesional and boring therefore it won't fit in very well with my whole magazine. I have decided not to choose this font.
Questionnaire results
I gave out my questionnaire in order to find out about my target audience, so therefore I handed my questionnaires to 16 people I knew liked Country Music, 8 of these were male and 8 were female. My questionnaire can be found here.
The first question I asked was how old each person was. I asked this so I could get an idea of the age range that read Country Music Magazines and the age range that would read my magazine. From the results I found that the age ranges from 14-26. There was no one younger than 14 and a few over 26 but only by a few years. 44% of the people I asked were aged 21-26. From this information I can make sure my magazine is aimed at these ages rather than someone aged 45 or 5.
The next question I asked was the favourite Country band/artist of my audience and the four answers that came back were Taylor Swift, Jason Aldean, Carrie Underwood and Rascal Flatts. The most popular of the answers was Carrie Underwood with 40% of the votes. Taylor Swift came a close second with 39% of the votes.
I then asked which was their favourite Country music magazine. Only three different answers came back Country Weekly, Country Music and Country Style. The most popular answer was Country Weekly with 50% of the audience choosing it as their favourite.
When asking how often the audience bought Country Music magazines the most popular answer was Country Weekly with 44% of the votes. From this information I have decided to make my magazine a weekly magazine as this seems to be the most popular option.
Out of the five options I gave for How much your willing to pay only two of the options were ticked - £1+ and 50P. I think people have only chosen this option because they believe that a good magazine should be priced more than at least 50P. I haven't yet fully decided on a price for my magazine but from this feedback I have decided that that price will be more than £1.
I gave four different options for my magazine name as I wanted to choose a name that was popular with both males and females. From this audience feedback I have decided to choose the name Country Star because it was the most popular answer with 63% of the votes. Another name I could also consider for my magazine could be Country Boots as this took 31% of the votes.
The most popular Colour Swatch is the Poll Top Voted Swatch which was Pastel Blue, Pastel Yellow and Pastel Pink. I have decided to choose this colour swatch because I feel it fits in with the genre and is the most popular answer on both my poll and questionnaire results. 

I asked my target audience which Artists that they would like to see featured in my magazine, by featuring the artists that they want to see feautured they will bring in more buyers. The most popular answer out of only three different artists given back was Carrie Underwood with 50% of the votes. The Rascal Flatts was also popular with 37% of people choosing them and13% of people chose Taylor Swift. I will try to mention them all somewhere in my magazine as they seem to be the three artists that will pull in buyers but I will try to focus on Carrie Underwood as she is most popular.
I asked my target audience what they would like to see featured on my double page spread as this is one of the main things in a magazine and it's very important that they double page spread features what your target audience wants to see. The most popular answer was an Artist Interview. I think people chose this option because they like to read about their favourite artist in a way that the artist is answering for themselves rather than the magazine saying they said or did something. An interview is more personal and can seem more one to one for the reader. I didnt expect photoshoots to be the least popular answer with only 8% of the votes so I will now include just a few photo's rather than a lot.
The reason I asked my audience how many images they wanted included throughout the magazine is because I don't want them to feel overcrowded with images or not see enough. Generally Country Music magazines tend to feature a lot of images so when the most popular answer came back as Lots I was pleased as my audience like the typical conventions of a Country Music magazines and also because the images play a big part throughout the magazine. All together my audience feedback has helped me with many decisions such as the name of my magazine, the amount of images to include and the colour swatch. This feedback has made me more comfortable in making these decisions because I am now certain that my target audience will like these choices.
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