This is the photo I plan on using for my front cover, i'm having a bit of trouble trying to fit it in and fit all the text around it but hopefully I will find a way that I like soon. I chose this photo because it shows the two main focus' of the magazine. The christmas theme is there because my magazine is going to be a special christmas edition. I chose these two models because they both have medium blonde hair which is very common in female country artists and both are wearing clothes that fit in with the genre. I styled both there hair so that it was down and chose to have one curly and one straight because they contrast with eachother and dont look too similar. I think these two models will appeal to the audience because one is a young new, upcoming artist in the Country business and the other is a well know fresh young artist. The collaboration of the two will attract fans of all ages and make them want to read further inside the magazine. Also the audience will want to get to know the newer artist and they would want to know more about the artist they already know. This will draw them in and keep them interested.
This is the main photo I am going to use on my double page spread. I have chosen this photo because I like the way it stands out and the camera angle/shot makes the audience feel very connected with the two artists because they are looking straight into the camera. There facial expressions show that they are happy and relaxed in each others company which is what the audience wants to see from two Country artists.
I especially like these two individual photo's of the artists - I like these photo's because they are bright and eccentric like a stars photo would be in a magazine. I plan to use these somewhere as smaller images, I have chosen to not use them as larger images because they don't link in with the Country genre and only link with a certain article.
Other photo's I plan to use are:
The images are looking promising - are you adding a background as they are fairly plain, can you explain the Christmas theme on the first image - is it a Christmas themed magazine? Ensure you explain in detail your decisions to use these two models and the poses you have created for them. How are they going to appeal to your audience?