Friday, 16 November 2012

My Magazine

I have decided that my magazine is going to be within the Country genre. I have decided this because I have done a lot of research into country magazines and now know and understand the typical conventions and layouts of a country magazine. Also I have researched into country music artists and how they are represented through the magazines which you can find on my blog post named Which Genre Have I Chosen And Why?. My audience is going to be girls and boys aged 14+ because although music magazine's tend to have a target audience of mostly boys country magazines have a good target audience of girls due to the amount of females that read this genre of magazine. I was going to aim my magazine at an audience of mainly boys but after some more research into just country music magazines I have changed my mind and decided to aim it more at both genders now if not slightly more towards females. Due to my target audience being predominantly young people I have decided to make the price reasonable because at this age students don't have access to much extra money.

Locations I have considered

Back Garden - I have considered this location because through my research I have found that most photoshoots based in Country Music Magazines, which is the genre I am going for, are involving grass and an outdoor space e.g
Both pictures are from Country Music Magazine photoshoots and both have an outdoors background with a natural feel to it.

Park - Another location I have considered is the park because this is also outdoors and will get the grass and natural feel. This is a very typical location for the Country genre. 

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