Saturday, 23 February 2013

Evaluation Question 7

My school magazine and music magazine have a huge difference between them except for the fact that they are both holiday themed. My music magazine looks so much more professional than my school magazine which looks simple and basic.
I spent a lot more time planning my time management for my music magazine as I had issue's with this during my preliminary task. I put more time and effort into research and found that it definitely payed off. When creating my school magazine I was new too adobe indesign and therefore took a while to learn how everything worked, having known all this in my music magazine task I was able to get straight onto constructing and editing. I learnt more about magazine conventions and was able to use this is my Music magazine to make it as best as possible. I payed more attention to mise en scene as I realised this was extremely important & I allocated time to think solely about it.
My contents page also looks a lot more professional, I have not left a lot of blank white space in my music magazine and have made my contents look much more interesting and inviting. In my preliminary task I didnt even consider what order things would go in and why where-as for my music magazine I created a flatplan and then created my contents.

From researching, planning, creating and evaluating my magazines I have learnt that there is so much more to making a magazine than you originally might think. I learnt things like Country weekly is produced by American Media, Inc the same company that produces OK! & each magazine has a flatplan made of the order the magazine will be set. Before starting these tasks I would just look at a magazine and not really consider the reason I wanted to buy it, I knew nothing of the 'Z Rule' or the reasons things were placed where they were.

Creating the double page spread taught me that so much goes into just two pages of a magazine and the time it can take to plan and create these two pages. The photoshoot for my DPS was much more serious and professional than my photoshoot for my preliminary task.

I have really enjoyed making both my magazines and have spent a lot of time and effort making decisions, editing and creating. I have learnt lots of new skills and ideas that can be used in other aspects of school and life.

Evaluation Question 6

Question Number 6
by: BeckaDavis

Celebz Movie
by: BeckaDavis

Evaluation Question 5

Friday, 22 February 2013

Evaluation Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Name: Payton Rae
Age: 17 
Occupation: School/ Singer
Lives: London, England 
Siblings: Older brother also a Country fan
Favourite Colour: Pink & blue
Favourite genre of music: Country
Hobbies: Horse riding, guitar playing, singing
Favourite Artist: Carrie Underwood 

Evaluation Question 3

Evaluation Question 2

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Evaluation Question 1

Audience Feedback

This is the audience feedback from my final magazine:
Front Cover -

Try our slideshow maker at Animoto.

Contents -
Audience Feedback by beckadavis1 on GoAnimate

Video Maker - Powered by GoAnimate.


Final DPS

This is my final double page spread.I got more feedback from the same people who gave feedback on my last DPS and this is what they had to say:

Female,18: I prefer this so much more than the last copy you showed me as I find that the layout is so much more interesting for me to look at and the background looks so much better without being too boring and plain white.

Male, 25: A huge improvement on the background and I personally love the quotes; these stand out more to me now due to the background change. The article is fantastic and would keep me very interested. The pink background colour doesn't put me off the article because I am a guy but you could maybe consider changing it to colour suitable to both genders.

I considered changing the background colour however I found that the Country genre was slightly more popular with the female gender and I didn't want to waste time constantly changing my mind. I felt like I should now 100% be focusing on my evaluation.

Monday, 18 February 2013

Change Of Mind

Audience Feedback:
Female, 18: This doesnt seem to fit in with the rest of the magazine, the text is too close to both edges & there are no page numbers. However I do like the pictures used and the interview itself is very interesting.

Male, 25: I'm not overally keen on the background, I feel like their is so much more you could do with this.

Due to this feedback I am currently working on my new DPS.

Contents Page

This is my final contents page. I have taken idea's from all the research I have used and tried to follow the Country conventions as closely as possible whilst still keeping the magazine original to itself.

 I have used the same font as the front page to keep a consistent layout throughout my magazine. This is important because it shows professionalism and keeps the magazine from looking a mess.
I have used all of the colours from my most popular colour swatch on this page as I believe that they all go well together and make the page look interesting and each colour attracts attention to each part of the page with different information on. For example the light blue draws your eyes to the Chance to Win section and the Pink colour draws attention to the page numbers and information as to whats on each page. All these colours are linked closely with the Country genre so should be a hit with my audience like they were with my questionnaire audience.

I chose to include images on my Contents page because many Country magazines have also done so. I also believe that images will make the reader more interested into what some of the articles are about therefore making them want to buy and read the whole magazine.

I am happy with this final product because I feel that it gives off a Country impression and draws readers into wanting to buy & read the rest of the magazine.